Winston Churchill once said, “I am easily satisfied with the very best.” If Winston Churchill was alive today and wore sandals he would probably have heel calluses like the rest of us. And he would love this file!
I discovered the Antoine foot file when we ordered some professional nail nippers for the Austin Foot Health Specialists from a European company for the first time. The nail nippers were unique and they turned out to be of the highest quality. In with the order of nail nippers they included a sample of this amazing foot file. This gave me an opportunity to try this product.
I’ve tried every kind of foot file imaginable and my favorite to this point was the PediEgg. While I still think it is an excellent product, the metal surface became dull rather quickly and it required some work to remove heel calluses. This amazing new European file works quicker than the PediEgg, is more comfortable to use, and lasts longer. (In fact it is still going strong!)
When these foot files arrived at the office, our staff each took one home to try out. Everyone agreed they were the best foot files they had ever used, (so it wasn’t just me who thought so).
If this file was something readily available we’d just recommend that you buy it. The problem is that this a small obscure European company that deals with professionals and does not have a retail operation. So we bought some of these files and now offer them for sale at our office for $15. We offer these files with our six month “no matter what” satisfaction guarantee. If you have been looking for a quick, effective and safe way to remove calluses and smooth your heels, you will not be disappointed!